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Congratulations to Binbin Lin for passing the prelim exam

On Janurary 23, 2024, Binbin Lin, one of Gear Lab members, has passed his prelim exam. Her reserach is about Multi-dimensional Social Sensing in Public Health (MDSSPH): Challenges and Applications. Her research is to formulate a comprehensive theory of MDSSPH and elucidate the richness of “multi-dimensions” interpretation and the challenges in MDSSPH. She did a lot of work on infectious disease, mental health, and health equity analysis, illustrating how MDSSPH can answer key research questions in public health.

Multi-dimensional Social Sensing in Public Health

Presenter: Binbin Lin

Congratulations to Binbin Lin, and we look forward to hearing more achievements and works from GEAR Lab! Gig'em!



Geospatial Exploration and Resolution (GEAR) Lab

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