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Dr. Lei Zou moderated a AAG GISS Specialty Group Webinar: The Past, Present, and Future of GIScience

Dr. Bandana Kar, Dr. Zachary Christman, and Dr. Lei Zou organized a AAG GISS Specialty Group Webinar: The Past, Present, and Future of GIScience on September 19, 2023.

This webinar will provide a platform for the panelists to discuss the past, present and future of GIScience from the perspective of advancements in computing and AI, and the challenges we need to address to bridge the gaps from conceptual and application perspectives.

Dr. Lei Zou briefly introduced the motivation, ambition and context of this webinar, and invited three brilliant panelists (Dr. Renee Sieber, Dr. Eric Shook, and Dr. Manil Maskey) to give some talk about The Past, Present, and Future of GIScience.

We look forward to hearing more achievements and works from GEAR Lab! Gig'em!



Geospatial Exploration and Resolution (GEAR) Lab

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