Dr. Lei Zou from GEAR Lab is invited to join the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Digital Earth (IJDE), a world-leading journal in advancing GIScience, Big Data, and Digital Earth. Congratulations!
During the past few years, Dr. Zou and his colleagues have published a list of articles on the use of social media in understanding disparities in disaster response, emergency rescue, and public awareness of Covid-19. The details and links to previous publications in IJDE are listed below.
Lin, B., Zou, L., Duffield, N., Mostafavi, A., Cai, H., Zhou, B., Tao, J., Yang, M., Mandal, D. and Abedin, J., 2022. Revealing the linguistic and geographical disparities of public awareness to Covid-19 outbreak through social media. International Journal of Digital Earth, 15(1), pp.868-889. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17538947.2022.2070677
Mihunov, V.V., Lam, N.S., Zou, L., Wang, Z. and Wang, K., 2020. Use of Twitter in disaster rescue: lessons learned from Hurricane Harvey. International Journal of Digital Earth, 13(12), pp.1454-1466. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17538947.2020.1729879
Zou, L., Lam, N.S., Shams, S., Cai, H., Meyer, M.A., Yang, S., Lee, K., Park, S.J. and Reams, M.A., 2019. Social and geographical disparities in Twitter use during Hurricane Harvey. International Journal of Digital Earth, 12(11), pp.1300-1318. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17538947.2018.1545878
The GEAR Lab is looking forward to contributing to the continued success of IJDE!
