To promote the advances in leveraging novel data in disaster research and applications, Dr. Zou initiates and leads a special issue in the Journal of Big Earth Data on 'Big Earth Data for Disaster Risk Reduction.'
This forthcoming Special Issue invites manuscripts in which Big Earth Data are analyzed with the aim of monitoring, measuring, and modeling current and future disaster risks to inform the best pathways for reducing disaster risks and achieving resilience and sustainability.
Potential topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Analysis of Big Earth Data for monitoring natural hazards
Big data analysis for studying human behavior during disasters
Assessing disaster impacts on social and environmental systems and on infrastructure
Disaster vulnerability, resilience, and risk measurement and modeling
Urban and rural disparities in disaster resilience and risk reduction
Geospatial data and methods used to combat public health crises, including covid-19
Policy and planning informed by big data for disaster risk reduction
Uncertainties in analyzing Big Earth Data for disaster research; e.g., scale effects, MAUP, and data quality issues
Geo-computation and geo-visualization of Big Earth Data for disaster management
The guest editors include:
Dr. Lei Zou, Texas A & M University, United States
Dr. Fang Chen, International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals, China
Dr. Xiao Huang, University of Arkansas, United States
Dr. Bandana Kar, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States
Dr. Samuel Rufat, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France
Please contact Dr. Zou ( or other guest editors for more details if you are interested in contributing to this special issue! We look forward to receiving your submission!
